Wednesday, February 18, 2009


one of my favorite things about blogging is the cute backgrounds. (i know, total dork) but mine wont change!!! ive changed it a bunch of times and it still shows the AUTUMN background. who out there can tell me what to do? calling all blogging moms...

so... ive been entertaining the idea of doing a triathalon. i really want to do it but dont want to do it alone. whos with me? seriously, i need a partner! or 2! anyone... anyone... bueller? its at innsbrook on june 6th. a 500 yd swim, 3 mile run, and 18 mile bike ride. come on - you know you want to join me!

behind on bloggin'

a month has passed! wow! we have had so much going on! this past month we drove down to SC to visit Russ' family and have a vacation. It was so nice! Unfortunately, the photos from the trip are on my old computer! Russ and I decided to go out and splurge on new computers b/c our old ones were slower than death. Its amazing how miuch more productive I am with a computer that works. Imagine that?!

valentines day was awesome. skylar and i made bacon & pink heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast. russ and bianca were awake as well. it was nice to start out the day of love with each other! russ and i decided to keep it low key. we opted to just buy each other cards and keep it simple. we waited until the kids went to bed and had a late dinner and a movie together at home.

aunt krista sent the girls some darling valentine outfits. heres a photo!
