babies put everything in their mouths, everything! i thought my floors were pretty clean until
bianca started crawling. now she finds all the little things that
i've missed and insists on eating them. a shelf in our
tv room broke, and a piece of artwork went crashing down. there was glass everywhere! i picked up all the pieces i could see, and
vacuumed twice, of course thinking i got it all up. the next day, i left the girls downstairs and ran up to get miss
b's swimsuit so we could go meet some friends at the local pool. when i came back down, she had that look on her face that said, "
ive got something in my mouth, and
I'm going to swallow it!" of course i ran over to her and did the mouth sweep. her mouth was bleeding from a gash way back on her gums but there was nothing to be found. i assumed she swallowed a piece of glass, and i was right. i took her right to the hospital, where they did a series of x-rays. the 2mm x 6mm pointy piece of glass was in my baby's stomach. ;-(

they decided it was best to go in and retrieve it before it got into her intestines. we were sent off to GI.
bianca was the star of the GI unit! all the nurses,
drs and
anesthesia team had to stop in our room and see the cute little glass swallowing baby. she got a ton of attention, and everyone was so nice and helpful.
udderson was the best. after another series of x-rays they went in after it.
unfortunately between the x-rays and the
endoscopy, the glass moved to her intestine.
udderson suggested that we switch hospitals, to be where a pediatric surgeon is on staff, just in case the glass would injure her internally and they'd have to do surgery. i packed my little hospital gown wearing baby

into the car and drove 5 miles down the road to a new hospital. her little hospital crib was so sad, but the functions were pretty cool... i just hated that she was in it.

luckily, the next 12 hours of observation were pretty uneventful. in the morning, we went home. of course, after being home no more than 20 minutes, she decided to pass the piece of glass. digging for that was tons of fun!! (
ewwwwww.) we are just relieved that its out of our baby and seemed to pass without any internal injuries. oh the joys of parenthood. ;-)
later that day, i remembered that
russ told me we had very little coffee, so i HAD to go to the store. do you think kids are a bit
resilient? look at that grin!