Skylar had the joy of dressing up as Snow White and going with Momma to Disney On Ice. She and about 1000 other little girls were all dressed to the 9's in their princess outfits. Skylar and her friend Mackenzie (aka Tinker Bell) were so excited, that they hopped and hollered all the way from the entrance down to the pre-show princess viewing.

We eneded up with front row seats!!

This was great for Skylar and Mackenzie. Both girls stood in shock and awe for the entire 2 1/2 hour performance.

Afterward, the parking garage was jamb-packed with cars, so we let the girls chase each other around in a circle for about 30 minutes. Skylar passed out in her carseat before we even pulled out of our spot. ;-) When we got home, she was so exhausted but refused to take her costume off and insisted that Bianca be one of her dwarfs.

As usual, B was such a good sport!

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