yep, thats right, i completed my 1st triathalon. im completely addicted and already searching for future races. if you want to see my stats click here. i wasn't pushing myself because i just wanted to be sure i could complete it. i will be racing in my next one for sure! this was an amazing venue. it was so well organized. the night before the race, they hosted a pratice swim for those of us beginners, or for anyone who wasnt completely comfortable swimming in open water. i am so glad i was able to participate in that. they coached us on sighting (remember i was concerned about the lack of direction, like the line on the bottom of the pool?!) breathing, and did a few pratice starts. it took away a lot of my anxiety. they also let those of us who were competing in our 1st tri, swim in the last wave without time penalty. that was stellar! (and also explains why i finished faster than what the clock at the finish line says.) ultramax did a wonderful job with the organization and all the staff and volunteers were so friendly and encouraging throughout the race. crossing the finish line was amazing. i broke into tears! joy, accomplishment, fatigue... all of the above! once the adrenaline wore off, i crashed. hard. took a really long nap and then went to bed early that night. lets not forget that the baby still wakes up frequently in the night. and on the occasions that she doesn't, she rises a bit before 6. this was not an easy task for a mother of 2 little ones, especially since one of them nurses! baby b was patient while i completed the tri, but she wanted me immediately after the race. its a good thing im still young! i was a bit sore the day after but today i feel fine! a little pain in my knees but thats it. ;-)
the best part of all was having my family there to support me. russ, skylar, bianca, my mom, my dad, my nana, and my brother were all there. it was awesome to see them along my journey cheering me on!!
my brother's girlfriend, megan, also completed the triathalon. she and i were pretty close to each other throughout the whole event. she and i enjoyed talking about the training, and preparing together even though she lives in minnesota. it was so cool to have someone to cheer for, look out for each other, and give a big congratulatory hug to afterward!
Go Nat!!! So proud of you!!
thanks ladies!
WOW! I'm so envious, natalie! That's just great! You go girl! Congrats!
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