why you ask? i have no freakin idea!! maybe its because my husband is in dire need of those breathe right strips. however, he only snores when he has gained some weight and let me tell you im not complaining! russ has been a workout machine! he's beefed up to 210 lbs! huge arms, back, chest, and he's even getting a badunkadunk! i wish i had a picture to post. thats right, my husband is lookin good!
maybe i cant sleep because both girls are running fevers. skylar has a cough and a mild fever. she seems to be doing ok, except for the fact that cough wakes her up at night. its not draining her too badly because she is still skipping her nap on occasional days like today. bianca's fever came on fast, but didn't slow her down either! she ate 2 pieces of pizza, about 10 grapes, and dessert with her milk before going to bed. this swine flu (no, my kids dont have it, that i know of anyway) scares the crap out of me. i saw on the news tonight that 86 children have died from it. isn't that awful?
everyone is sleeping soundly but me! since i am working on gratitude, let me just say that i am glad to have a little time to myself. i watched my tivoed episode of project runway (i should've been a fashion designer) and got a lot accomplished work wise.
GRATITUDE: it is the essence of good mental health and spirituality! I try to focus on the things I am grateful for. I suggest you try this! Before you go to bed, make a list (for me, written is better but mental will work) of all the things you are grateful for, while reflecting on your day. Tonight, mine looked like this.
I am grateful for Skylar's clothes that I saved and organized for Bianca. I don't have to fret over her wardrobe each season or size change. I am also grateful for the money this saves.
I am grateful for my husband, and all the hard work he does outside of the home. I am grateful that he is happy to stop and grab something if I just dont feel like cooking!
I am grateful for my internal love for our planet. I find such joy in keeping things green! recycling, reusing clothes, getting creative with toys, cooking with fresh vegtables, etc.
I am grateful for the heat in our house! The motor broke a week or so ago, and we were able to have it fixed before the cold really set in.
I am grateful for my working body! I have no ailments, or alergies, and I am able to stay in good shape by working it, and keeping up with my exercize plan. I have a new found love for running and I am grateful that my children dont mind a 30 minute stroller ride every morning.
I am grateful for russ, and the fact that he sets up the coffee pot at night, so all I have to do is press the button in the morning!
I am grateful for my family of origin. I love that we have stayed close knit and connected as we've grown and developed our own families.
THATS IT FOR TONIGHT! And tomorrow, I will wake up feeling great, ready to tackle whatever those 2 little ladies throw my way! Hopefully we will be able to get out of the house!
WAIT! I simply cant post a blog without a picture or 2. Here are a few from bianca's 1st birthay celebration. we kept it really simple... just family and 2 friends. I learned from Skylar's 1st party that kids get pretty overwhelmed when 30 people are singing and staring at them. ha!
here's the B's! B for Bailey and B for Bianca!

the B-Nut and her Uncle Charlie. He brought her an awesome toy and a super cute dress!

me, and my 2 best girls and their girls. guess who was being a stinker and wouldn't get in the picture. 3 is the new 2, let me tell you!
mmmmmm.... chocolate cupcake!
outdoor play
bianca loved this monkey that my cousin, justin brought for skylar. she got a frog and she loves him too.