Thursday, October 8, 2009

bianca turned 1

can you believe it? time has flown by with my second child! it seems like yesterday she was just born...

to celebrate her birthday, we went to our favorite cafe and had lunch. bianca had her 1st cupcake! you'd never know the petite little thing that she is eats like a horse! she honestly ate the entire thing! and aside from her face, she didn't make much of a mess. we followed lunch with a trip to the park where she went down the slide and swang next to skylar. last night for dinner, i made her her favorite lasagna and skylar baked her a chocolate cake.

today we went to the toy store and i let her pick out her own present. it was such a nice treat to be able to spend some 1 on 1 time with her while skylar was at school. b and i played at the store for about 45 minutes. the thing she liked the most was a pull along barking puppy. (go figure) and a glockenspiel. ;-)


Kim said...

what the heck is a glockenspiel?

Stephani said...

I love bianca's little outfit..she looks precious!!
