i've got a lot to report and i know, i know, i've been so
behind on my blog. the weather has become significantly warmer and we have
been playing outside A TON! the 1st thing on baby b's mind in the morning
is "outside! outside!" so out we go, footie pj's and all, to run in the yard,
have coffee on the back deck and get full of chalk. what can i say, a lot of
the rules get thrown out the window when you're trapped indoors for 4 months.
(here's an example: russ "skylar, we dont throw balls in the house!" sky gives
me a wide eyed look of confusion... me: "um, yes, we do. its been a long
winter, dad." oops. ;-) russ and skylie have been working hard together to get
our garden going. she is such a good little helper! they've planted seeds
in the basement, plotted out the garden design, and even planted some seeds
outside this weekend. she loves helping her daddy in the garden. yay spring!

speaking of weather, it was a perfect day on march 6th for my 1st
triathlon of the season. this one was extra special because it was a team
adventure race, and russ was my partner! we had such a good time!
another married couple who we are friends with invited us to join
in with them, and we went for it. we went all out and hired a sitter
to watch the girls so we could spend the night out at the cabin
before the big race (the event was held at our resort). together,
russ and i ran 4 miles, mountain biked 7, canoed 3, moutain
biked 7 more, then we finished off with a ropes course with
40 lb sandbags! we completed just shy of 4.5 hours. it was quite the
race, and i felt so accomplished. having my husband as a
team mate was awesome!

russ seemed to fall back in love with mountain biking, so he went
out a few days after the race and bought himself a sweet new bike!
immediately following, i went out and got us a burley so we can pull the
girls behind us. we did our 1st ride to a restaurant nearby. both girls had a
blast and were yelling "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" the whole way there!
needless to say, we've been spending a lot of time outside running,
and riding our bikes. i am on a new green kick where try not to use my
car at least 1 day a week. it keeps me in good shape, and its good for
both the environment and our pocket book. last week, i ran to
skylar's ballet class, the grocery store, and to walgreens while the
girls enjoyed the ride in the jogger. it felt SO good to get out into
the world on foot! we live in a great spot for ditching the car, and
doing errands on foot or by bike. russ has decided that he will ride
his new bike to work every friday. i hope the weather is
supportive of his decision. ;-)
today was a great day! i tought skylar how to play "war"
(yes the good old card game that goes on for hours), swam laps @ the gym,
took the girls to pick up GRANNNNNNNCCCCYYYYYYYY! at the airport,
went to lunch, and then back to grancy's where she, of course,
offered to keep the girls so i could have some time to myself. my mom's the best.
i went home and took a nice long nap, and later biked over to her house.
russ and my brother met up with us for a great family dinner at the
cheesecake factory. YUM! uncle charlie, being the sucker that he is,
took skylar down to the carousel @ the mall. she's so spoiled by grancy and
charlie. then we all went to those big trampolines in the mall, where
i was gulited into jumping in sync with skylar. she loved watching
me fly up to the sky, and do backflips for her. im glad i did it, it was
a ton of fun! even though everyone stopped to see the adult on the
trampolines. baby bia was having a bird because she wanted to jump too!
when we learned that age didn't matter, and you just had to be
20 pounds, we decided to let her go! bianca is a wild woman!!
she jumped so high and even wanted to do a flip! haha! she freaked
out and melted down when her turn was over... she cried and said
"jump... jump..." for about 10 minutes, all the way out to the car.
poor bia. all good things must come to an end...
unfortunately ive got no pictures to post of the petites!
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