Thursday, April 29, 2010

baby no more

there is absolutely nothing babyish about skylar
anymore. no more chubby fingers, no more chubby
cheeks. she actually has 6 pack abs! the little lady
can now pump on the swing, a major accomplishment,
and she can snap her fingers. there is no more baby talk,
and i miss it!! i miss her calling school "stool." and
when she got a kick out of her friend caroline
"taroline" for calling her "skylo." no more "t's" in place
of "c's"... no more "baby bianta." and she's even
starting to wipe my kisses off. where did the time go??
i was so anxious for her to be a bit more independent,
but now i want my baby back, just a little bit.

1 comment:

Stephani said...

Awww, shes such a big girl!
