In the spirit of Fall, I've decided to get creative for Skylar's sake (and my sanity), and come up with a few different inside activities in place of playing outside. I have a whole new vision for our unfinished basement! (Russ, dont panic.) We wanted a place for little miss to ride her tricycle and other mobile toys so we aren't confined to our living room all winter long. In addition to that, I decided to dig through some of my old clothes, purses, etc. and make a dress-up collection for Skylar. Not very far into the process, we

had to have a dr


party. Here are a few pics of "Fancy Skylar," as she called herself. The clip-on earrings just cracked me up! She chose this top, and now I realize that its exactly what I was wearing when I found out I was pregnant with her! How cool is that?!
Now about Bia

nca. Well, the little lady is a gem! She has started smiling, and it just melts your heart! She has also found her voice and is starting to ooooh and aaaah. She DID NOT like taking a bottle last night. Hopefully she will like it better tonight because Momma is going out! Yay! Baby B is sleeping very well too. She goes to bed at 10.30 and typically sleeps until 3.30. After I feed her, she goes right back to sleep, usually for 2 0r 3 more hours. Is it strange that I am a mother of 2 and I feel well rested?!? Yep! I am so grateful.
This mohawk is all natural, just in case you were wondering! ;-) Russ and I think that she is going to be a brunette. I love that both my girls have bright blue eyes, yet they are 2 totally different colors. Skylar's look like her Daddy's and Bianca's look like her Grandpa's.