Saturday, November 8, 2008

Extreme Makeover Home Edition

Be sure to tune in and watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition on Sunday 11/09/08! It airs at 7pm CST. Why, you ask??? You may catch a glimpse of Russ working away! This episode is all about a St. Louis family that was desperately in need of a new home. Watch as the company Russ works for helps create this wonderful home makeover! Russ volenteered on the site with a number of his co-workers, and a million regular old locals that wanted to help. The project also included the renovation of small coffee house that many in the West County area are familiar.

We will be attending a viewing party with some of the other voulenteers... can't wait to see the results!

Ok. so it cant be "All About The Girls" all the time... ;-) But for good measure, here's a pic of Skylar watching her Daddy hard at work. Somehow she spotted him out of this huge crowd of people who were all wearing the exact same thing!

1 comment:

Kim said...

grrr, it's 8 o'clock and i just went running to my tv to turn in on, only to realize it was at 7, boooo.
