Monday, May 4, 2009

b's sink bath

bianca has been bathing in the bumbo. my sister gave me this great little tip to put the bumbo in the bath to keep baby b from bailing out! (say that 3 times fast!!) here's a shot of her taking a quick sink bath. i managed to squeeze this in while skylar was out in her sandbox. thank goodness for the sandbox!!! we will be doing a lot more sink baths now that bianca is eating real food. my kitchen gets nasty! little miss grabby is always trying to gank the spoon or steal the bowl from me. its amazing how much i dont remember about skylar at this stage. you'd think i'd be prepared for the cereal bowl to get flung onto my new computer... nope! dang, i know this pic is sideways but i dont feel like fixing it right now!


Stephani said...

What a good idea! Never thought of putting the bumbo seat in the bath..

Anonymous said...

It says on the bottom not to put Bumbos in the tub or any form of water. Just an FYI.
